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TCITech is a non-profit aiming to diversify the economy of the Turks and Caicos Islands through hands-on education in technology and the arts, and crowdfunding research and development projects to modernize government processes. Through tackling these issues, we will play a major part in creating the right environment to foster entrepreneurship in the careers of the future, turning our citizens into business owners; and luring some of the most successful and disruptive tech companies in the world to our country.



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The Outline

The outline

The Atlas Ecosystem

Atlas is the name of the proposed open-source network of government services that utilizes blockchain to:


• Create wealth by giving the government the necessary tools to craft an environment that focuses on a fair distribution of it.

• Protect privacy by tying legal person-hood to a decentralized identity, so people will be able to control their digital footprint and who accesses their data.

• Improve efficiency and efficacy of public and private services through removing human error, automating tiresome processes and lowering overall cost of production

• Seperate TCI as a unique investment opportunity thanks to the e-infrastructure Atlas provides.

Who We Are
The Issues

who we are

Comprehensive plan to diversify the TCI Economy into Technology & The Arts, using education as the engine to drive that growth.

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Jay Scott SadlerExecutive Director 

Experience in finance & education industries. Director of Development at

The Manifezt Foundation in South Florida. Background in economics and finance from The University of Miami. Through his experience in the education system in South Florida, he came to terms with the impact education has on a society, and realized how drastic the need for hands-on STEAM education was in his home country, The Turks and Caicos Islands. As a visionary and futurist that keeps up with the latest technology trends, he saw the vast potential of blockchain to set TCI up as a unique investment opportunity and improve the lives of everyone in the country, and decided to take matters into his own hands.


Nick HaywoodFinancial Controller

PricewaterhouseCoopers Turks and Caicos Islands territory leader - admitted to the partnership in 2004. He has more than 25 years of professional experience with PwC, first in the UK and then Malawi, with the last 20 with PwC Turks and Caicos Islands. Nick’s client portfolio covers a variety of industries from consumer and industrial products and services, technology, information, communications, entertainment and media, and financial services.


Advisory Board Members

• Dr. Carlton Mills (The Mills Institute)

• Hon. Erwin Jay Saunders (Deputy Premier of The Turks and Caicos Islands)

• Carlos Simons (Miller Simons O’Sullivan)

• Carl Simmons (Tropical Shipping)

• Sandy Lightbourne (Belize Bank)

• Cutella Talbot (Public Figure)


Partner Organizations

Manifezt Foundation

the issues

Though we are in a great position, we face several challenges that this initiative is designed to solve.


By introducing higher paying industries and empowering locals to become business owners, we can help locals earn more.


This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.


Most tourism jobs pay minimum wage or close to it, and diversifying the economy would grow the tourism market and create more career opportunities for locals.


Our schools are in a dire state, they are severely under resourced, and there is very little

hands-on STEM education.

Surging Crime Rate

Diversifying the economy and providing better paying and more diverse opportunities will help inspire the youth and keep them on the right track.

Surging Crime Rate

Through growing our own healthy food locally using automation to keep costs low, we can dramatically lower the cost of eating healthy.


Join the tcitEch initiative's

Facebook group now for more information and to learn how to get involved here

Tech Talk


We are currently seeking volunteers (with education, technology, and/or finance skills) and donors to help jump-start the initiative. Please complete the brief form below to let us know how you can help or email for more information.

Thank you for your support!

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Stay up to date on the latest conversations with Jay Scott and other initiative partners.

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